Dr. Curt R. Bartol is an experienced educator with over 30 years of teaching experience at the university level. He has taught courses in biopsychology, forensic psychology, juvenile delinquency, criminal profiling, social psychology, and psychology and law. He founded the graduate program in forensic psychology at Carleton State University and served as the dean of the graduate school.
As a registered clinical psychologist, Dr. Bartol has worked as a law enforcement consultant at the local, city, state, and federal level for more than 25 years. His publications include Forensic Psychology, Juvenile Delinquency and Antisocial Behavior: A Developmental Perspective, Criminal and Behavioral Profiling, and Psychology and Law.
Anne M. Bartol, Ph.D., is a retired professor of criminal justice at Eastern Kentucky University. She has taught courses in criminal behavior, forensic psychology, policing, and research methods. Dr. Bartol has published numerous articles and book chapters on topics such as victimology, public perceptions of crime, and gender issues in criminal justice. She is the co-author of Criminal Behavior: A Psychosocial Approach and Introduction to Forensic Psychology: Research and Application.
作者简介Curt R. Bartol博士 曾在大学从教30余年,教授过生物心理学、犯罪心理学、未成年人违法犯罪、司法心理学、社会心理学以及心理学与法律等课程。他曾于美国卡斯尔顿州立大学创办司法心理学研究生项目并担任研究生院院长。作为注册临床心理学家,他在地方、市级、州级和联邦执法机关担任警方顾问已超过25年。他的著作包括《司法心理学》(Forensic Psychology)、《未成年人违法犯罪与反社会行为:一种发展的观点》(Juvenile Delinquency and AntisocialBehavior: A Developmental Perspective)、《犯罪和犯罪心理画像》(Criminal and BehavioralProfiling)及《心理学与法律》(Psychology andLaw)等。Anne M. Bartol 美国纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校刑事司法学博士,美国威斯康星大学新闻学硕士。曾在大学从教20年,教授司法学、社会学和新闻学课程,并在儿童和青少年保护机构担任社工。她还与Curt R. Bartol合著了《司法心理学》《未成年人违法犯罪与反社会行为:一种发展的观点》《犯罪和犯罪心理画像》及《心理学与法律》等著作。她是《刑事司法与行为》(Criminal Justice and Behavior)的书评编辑和主管编辑,并发表过多篇有关女性和刑事司法、农村地区法院以及司法心理学历史方面的文章。译者简介李玫瑾 中国人民公安大学教授,博士生导师,犯罪心理学家。出版过专著《犯罪心理学》《犯罪心理研究在犯罪防控中的作用》,主持翻译过《犯罪心理画像》《地理学的犯罪心理画像》。研究涉及犯罪心理画像、未成年人违法犯罪心理及预防、有组织犯罪心理问题,家庭暴力的心理影响,公安社会心理调查,犯罪高危人群心理评估等。
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