This book is obviously an autobiography, where the author has chosen not to have an editor review and edit the content. As a result, the book comes across as dull and confusing, leaving the reader to question the authenticity of the information presented. It appears that the author has deliberately concealed many aspects of his life, including his privileged background coming from a wealthy family. Furthermore, he seems to have conveniently omitted his connections with various artists and his ability to travel extensively to countries like England and Russia.
It is evident that the aforementioned reasons led the author to encounter a powerful businessman who played a significant role in his career, ultimately leading to the establishment of the renowned fashion brand Dior. While the book may revolve around the fashion industry, it fails to captivate the reader, primarily due to its lack of depth and substance. The authors focus on mundane details and failure to provide any profound insights into the fashion world make the book uninteresting and monotonous.
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