1. Mindset shift: 从一开始就要 build sharing into the creation routine. Bring them behind the scenes. Allow them to know you and follow you. People want to know, to be creative, and to connect with creative people. The premise is you are doing good work and worth to be followed.
2. 不是非要是专家才能发表或发声的。Raw enthusiasm is contagious. Forget about being an expert or a professional, and wear your amateurism (your heart, your love) on your sleeve. Share what you love, and the people who love the same things will find you.
3. 可以发的东西: - 软件: show your influences (读的书,思考,看的剧,网站,博主,音乐,no guilty pleasures)and inspirations, learnings, teachings; who YOU are (tastes), what you care about, - 硬件(环境,设施,工具) - 互动和连接:ask for recommendations, votes, feedbacks, help, patronage.
4. 每写完一部可以开一个媒体矩阵:微博/B站/抖音/英文个人 website,正好贴合影视剧/个人流量池/海外出版发行/离开平******立运作,导演。(想想你想要 reach 什么人)。不同平台和媒介适合不同的内容。
5. 找到微博/B站(感觉那些老人们都不在 B 站上,这是一个 huge void to leverage for the access to youngsters)/抖音粉丝数比较多的大神们(猫 N,马 BY 等),学习他们都分享了啥,现在在干啥。Find a scenius, pay attention to what others are sharing, and then start taking note of what theyre not sharing. Be on the lookout for voids that you can fill with your own efforts, no matter how bad they are at first.
6. 发的时候想想:helpful or entertaining or inspirational or you need it. structure/文案,讲好一个故事,be simple
7. 开放程度,share 什么的大权永远在你手上。
8. Set a timer: 30min 或视情况而定. dont let sharing your work take precedence over actually doing your work.
9. Dont show your lunch or latte, show your work.
10. The only way to find your voice is to use it. Its hardwired, built into you. Talk about the things you love. Your voice will follow. 写你想写的东西,发你爱的东西。
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