"Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java" is an advanced algorithms book that serves as a bridge between traditional CS2 and Algorithms Analysis courses. Formerly known as CS7 in the old ACM Curriculum Guidelines, this text is aimed at readers who wish to acquire good programming and algorithm analysis skills simultaneously, allowing them to create highly efficient programs. Prior knowledge of intermediate programming, including object-based programming and recursion, as well as a firm grasp of discrete math is suggested.
With the constant development of computer speed and power, the need for effective programming and algorithm analysis has only grown. By approaching these two skills in tandem, Mark Allen Weiss presents a comprehensive guide to constructing and optimizing Java programs. The book covers topics ranging from binary heaps to NP-completeness, with an entire chapter dedicated to amortized analysis and advanced data structures implementation.
Weiss employs clear explanations and examples illustrating different stages of algorithms, providing a rigorous in-depth analysis of each algorithm type. The text is logically organized, and readers have full access to the source code.
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