Since the election of Scott Walker, Wisconsin has become the center of the debate on the governmental role in the wake of the Great Recession. Despite a highly contested recall that brought thousands of protesters to Capitol Square, Walker not only survived but was reelected. This raises questions about why those who stand to benefit from strong government services often vote against candidates who support them and are vehemently against big government.
In her book, The Politics of Resentment, Katherine J. Cramer highlights a critical piece of the puzzle that is often overlooked: rural political consciousness and the resentment of the "liberal elite." Rural voters are skeptical that politicians will respect the unique values of their communities and allocate resources fairly. This is more than just a disagreement about basic political principles; it is a fundamental issue of personal identity and how closely a candidate’s social identity matches our own.
Using Scott Walker and Wisconsin’s prolonged debate on the appropriate role of government, Cramer explains how place-based identities profoundly influence how people understand politics, regardless of whether urban politicians and their supporters genuinely shortchange or look down on those who live in the countryside.
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