"Milanonna," also known as Zhang Mingshu, is a 70-year-old retired fashion designer from Korea who travels between Korea and Milan. Encouraged by her friends, she started a YouTube channel and became an internet sensation. Indeed, being an internet celebrity is another form of being a fashion icon.
As a child, Zhang Mingshu suffered from low self-esteem due to her appearance, with a small face and a large mouth, constantly being criticized as ugly. However, she managed to break into the fashion industry and establish herself as a successful designer. This type of physical appearance is prevalent in East Asia, where girls are ridiculed for having a big mouth, being too fat, or having large breasts during their adolescence. This negativity can be faced by learning to accept oneself and ignoring the opinions of others.
During her youth, she often worked with luxury brands, and her favorite brand was Armani, which she found to be more suitable for petite individuals. She never lost herself in the world of flashy clothes and luxury goods and instead focused on finding her unique style of dressing. After retirement, she simplified her wardrobe and donated her old clothes to others. She values clothes that are appropriate, suitable for her age, comfortable, and affordable, regardless of her economic status.
When she witnessed students engage in sex work to buy luxury fashion brands, she felt remorseful and conflicted. In Africa, where clothes were used to cover their private parts, she became even more aware of the frivolity of fashion.
Through her writing, Nonna shares her views on marriage, death, handling remains and personal property, insights on plants and animals, respect for elders and maintaining traditions, and sensitivity towards household items and waste.
When I read Zhang Mingshus autobiography, I expected to read about a womans struggle to overcome insurmountable difficulties in life. However, her life seemed to be somewhat privileged, with a successful career and a seemingly perfect family. I was a bit frustrated, and my small-minded mentality was clouding my judgment. My thought process was like a farmers, who believed that life was a struggle, and suffering was a common occurrence. I overlooked the fact that in life, there are many situations that we cannot control or choose from. The only thing we can control is how we choose to live our lives.
Nonnas peaceful and broad-minded perspective on life comes from her life experiences. As young readers, we should strive to find our unique paths early on in life, just like Nonna.
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