During the summer break of 2006, Peiyu, a high school geography teacher, embarked on a journey to explore Turkey and Iran. With her passion for travel and artistic abilities, she recorded every detail of her travels in her sketches and notes, creating a unique travel diary.
Peiyu's travels always bring back stories and adventures that are uniquely her own. It's not that she's particularly lucky to encounter interesting people and places, but rather that she approaches travel with an open mind, curiosity, and willingness to connect with those she meets along the way. Behind her self-proclaimed laziness and lack of intelligence, Peiyu actually puts a lot of effort into preparing for her journeys, which allows her to make meaningful connections and overcome unexpected challenges.
Peiyu's unwavering dedication to travel has led her to explore not only Turkey but also Iran, immersing herself in local cultures and making new friends. Her meticulous sketches and notes give readers a glimpse into her travels, illuminating the beauty and warmth of the people and places she encounters.
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