The story follows three sisters who travel to Oakland, California in the summer of 1968 to visit their estranged mother who abandoned them years ago. The girls are met with resistance from their mother, who is involved in the Black Panther movement and has little time for them. Despite this, they find solace in the community center run by the Panthers and learn about the importance of activism and standing up for what is right.
The book tackles heavy themes such as racism, police brutality, and family dynamics in a way that is accessible to young readers. I appreciated how Williams-Garcia did not shy away from these difficult topics but presented them in a way that was both informative and engaging.
The characters were well-developed and felt like real people with complex emotions and motivations. Overall, "One Crazy Summer" is a powerful story about family, identity, and social justice that will resonate with readers of all ages. It serves as an important reminder of the struggles faced by Black Americans during this time period and highlights the importance of fighting for equality and justice.
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