Humans have built highly complex societies and technologies, yet most of us are unaware of how basic objects like pens and toilets function. So how have we achieved so much despite this lack of understanding? Cognitive scientists Steven Sloman and Philip Fernbach suggest it is because we are part of a rich community of knowledge. Our intelligence is based on the people, objects, and environment around us. We constantly draw information and expertise from these external sources without even realizing it.
The human mind can be both brilliant and flawed. We have accomplished incredible feats such as mastering fire, establishing democratic institutions, landing on the moon, and sequencing the genome. However, we are often error-prone, irrational, and ignorant. Our ability to learn and acquire knowledge is fundamentally tied to our communal nature. This explains why it can be difficult to change personal beliefs or political opinions, and why traditional educational and managerial methods often fall short. Despite our limitations, our collaborative minds allow us to achieve amazing feats. This book argues that true genius lies in how we create intelligence by leveraging the world around us.
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